Let’s get to know BBST Sponsored Athlete, Christine
This week we will be getting to know our newest #BBST Sponsored Athlete, Christine. Christine has been a sponsor of us for about a month and we couldn’t be more excited about it! I first came upon Christine on Twitter. I was impressed with her photos and healthy lifestyle. After meeting Christine in person, I knew I had made the right decision of asking her to be a sponsor. Christine is down-to-earth, friendly, caring, motivating, oh I could go on!! She really cares about the health of others and wants the best for everyone. I sent over some questions to Christine so we can get to know her a little better.
Sarah: When did you decide you wanted to compete in shows?
Christine: My younger sister, but absolute best friend, was deployed in Iraq in 2011. She came home, lean, with sculpted legs, broad shoulders and bulging biceps… I became envious!! She led me up to the weight room and taught me small circuits!! In May 2012, I went to the Arnold Expo and was absolutely star struck with the sizes and shapes of all the beautiful woman!! At that time I knew I wanted to be part of this industry.
Thank you to Christine’s sister for serving our country!! What a heroic thing to do!
Sarah: Who is your role model?
Christine: Being exposed more and more to the fitness industry, my role model has changed time to time. Ashley Horner has been one of my first role models!! To date I would say, my own Reaction Nutrition teammate Alicia Coates!! She has achieved so much in her fitness endeavors yet has a humbling attitude. Her social media shows an inspiring story, not a sexy humpday or titty tues picture (lol)! I tend to lean more toward figure athletes than bikini but the dedication from any division is respectable!
I didn’t even know there was such thing as titty Tuesdays….lol. But I agree – I love seeing an inspiring story from someone!
Sarah: When was your first show and what did you learn from that show?
Christine: I competed in the Mid Atlantic in May 2013 in the bikini division!!! I won first in my class and first in novice!! I learned that you will face detours, and walls. Just barrel thru them with your goal in mind. I gained strength no only physically but mentally and emotionally!!!
Woohoo…congrats! That’s a HUGE accomplishment, especially for your first show!
Sarah: When you are prepping for a show – what is a typical day like for you?
Christine: Everything is planned around eating every three hours, six times a day and my cardio/workout regime! I spent about 1 ½ a day, six times a week in the gym!!! Due to this choice of lifestyle, I will say I’ve encountered negative opinions more than ever, I lost friendships and ended relationships. However, the people that have stayed in my life, are forever!! The opportunities I earned have been rewarding and the people I have met are inspiring and supportive!! I wouldn’t change my life for anything!!!
My day is also planned around eating, but not for the same reason ;-). I’ve always learned if someone tells you no or don’t do something, it makes you want it more and try harder!! Listen to your heart and not others! It’s your life and you need to do what makes you happy!
Sarah: What is your favorite cheat meal?
Christine: Sushi
Sarah: What motivates you to compete?
Christine: Setting a goal and achieving it, and seeing the results in my body!!
Sarah: What is the best advice you can give to someone who wants to start competing?
Christine: Delete Negative Toxins in your life!!!!
I personally think that’s the best advice ever!
Sarah: What is your favorite part of the body to train?
Christine: Shoulders!
Sarah: What is your favorite exercise?
Christine: Dumbell Lateral Raises
Thank you Christine for allowing us to get to know you more! Make sure you follow Christine’s fitness advice and more. You can find her on Twitter @choberek and Instagram @ChristineMarie_H
Think you have what it takes to be a #BBST Sponsored Athlete? Email us at tan@bronzebeautyst.com and tell is why!
Until next week………
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