Here Comes the Bride……
I want to get a spray tan for my wedding, but I am afraid I will be orange and the spray tan will get on my dress!
This is the most common question we get from Brides. It’s a great question to ask. I would be asking the same questions for my wedding if I never had a spray tan. For all our brides, especially if you never had a spray tan with BBST before, would be to schedule a couple of appointments before your wedding day. Maybe get a spray tan for your shower and Bachelorette party. Getting sprayed for those events, allows you to test the solution, and get a feel for how long it will last on your skin.
When you do book your trail with BBST, make it a fun event and invite your bridesmaids. Have a fun “Girls Night-In” and let everyone get pampered with a beautiful bronzed glow. If you have some friends who are still unsure about the whole process, this will allow them to see first hand how it all works and the results that comes from it. Oh, and spray tanning isn’t JUST for the Brides and Bridesmaids, Grooms and his men can get sprayed too! Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. 
After you have your trail all done and you are loving your color, you are ready to get sprayed for your wedding! What’s next? We HIGHLY recommend getting sprayed 2-3 days before your wedding. Because you want to leave this solution on for up to 24 hours before showering, you will want to make sure you leave enough time to get at least 2 showers in to wash off all the cosmetic bronzer. By rinsing off the cosmetic bronzer fully, your wedding dress won’t be the one with the bronzed glow.
I have a feeling I lost some people when I said, you want to leave the solution of for 24 hours before showering. Let me explain why. There are 3 bronzers in our spray tanning solution, one of them being the cosmetic bronzer. This is the bronzer you see right away when we spray you. This will be what you want to wash off when you get your shower. The next, most important bronzer, is called DHA (Dihydrozyacetone….yeah that’s a mouth full). This is an ingredient derived from sugar cane, which reacts to the amino acids in the skin to create the browning on the skin. DHA begins to react with the skin in 2-4 hours and eventually replaces the cosmetic bronzer once you wash that off. The DHA continues to darken for up to 24 hours. That’s why I tell people to leave it on for that long, so you can get the full amount of color. If you are in a rush and don’t have time to wait that long, we also carry a rapid solution that allows you to shower in 1-5 hours. We will get into that in another post. We do have some clients wait around 10-12 hours and then shower and that is fine! In that case, we will ask you to do a warm water rinse only and not use any soaps or body washes. Since the DHA is still developing, if you use a body wash or soap, that will stop the DHA from developing and your tan might not come out as dark as you wanted it. Because you are showering in less than 24 hours as well, as mentioned before, the color may be slightly lighter, but still looks AMAZING!!!!
Ok, sorry, back to our Brides :-).
As I mentioned, you want to book your appointment 2-3 days before your wedding. No sooner or later. The reason not any sooner, is because most spray tans last about 5-7 days with the 3rd and 4th day being the best color. You want to have the best color for your wedding!
So, Brides, please, please, please do not be nervous about getting a spry tan before your wedding! Get a trail run and test it out! BBST carries 6 different solutions and we pick the one that works best for your skin tone. We want to make sure you look natural and beautiful in your skin!
Here, check out some of my brides, don’t they look fabulous!!
It’s never to early to book your spray tan for your wedding! Give us a call and let us answer any other questions you may have!
Stay Bronzed!!
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