Spray Tan Facts and Tips

Spray Tan Facts and Tips
When you’re thinking about getting a spray tan for the first time, there are a lot of unknowns. It’s normal to be hesitant about booking your first spray tan. In fact, a lot of people worry about the same things. Luckily, you truly have nothing to worry about… and to prove that, below are the answers to the top 5 most asked questions about getting a spray tan! (You’re welcome)
Am I Going To Turn Orange?
Okay, we had to address this one first, as it is THE single most asked question we get. The short answer is: no. The long answer is, at some salons, honestly, this might happen. However, at Bronze Beauty Spray Tanning, we use some of the top spray tanning solutions on the market. This gives us the ability to create a custom color just for you! With the variety of solutions we use, we can always produce very natural-looking tans. In addition, we even have access to additive color bases (violet, brown, and red) that give us even more customization capabilities to truly match you with the best color. And let me assure you, that color will never be orange!
How Long Will My Tan Last?
Typically, all spray tans last between 5-7 days. However, this all depends on how well you prepped your skin in advance, and how well you take care of your skin afterwards. At Bronze Beauty, we provide you with a detailed handout after your session with all the tips and tricks on how to make your tan last as long as possible. In addition, we also have a variety of products available for purchase in our studio. These products extend the life of your spray tan beyond even 7 days.
I’m Very Pale, Will a Spray Tan Work for Me?
This is another very popular question. The answer is similar to question #1, but just to reiterate… at our studio, we have so many different kinds of solutions. So, if you do have fairer skin, we would absolutely customize a lighter solution for you! We’ve had a lot of clients come in worried about this, and after their first session with us, they’ve become hooked! In fact, people with fairer skin tend to be some of our most loyal customers because they don’t want to be out in the sun (as they burn easily), or laying in a tanning bed to achieve the color they want. Spray tanning is the perfect option for people with pale skin!
When is the Best Day to Get a Spray Tan?
If you plan on booking a spray tan for a special event, such as a wedding or a dance, we typically recommend getting your tan done 2-3 days before your event! The reason behind this is because the solution takes up to 24 hours to fully develop on your skin. So, if you go out to your event the next day, the tan is actually still developing. While the tan is developing, your skin might be a little darker than you’re comfortable with, and the cosmetic bronzer (the top layer of the tan) is still shedding itself, and could potentially rub off onto your clothes. Also, the 3-4th day is when the color is set and will be at its prime. This is when you will look and feel your very best!
Can I Go Swimming with a Spray Tan?
Lastly, this is another very frequently asked question, especially in the summer time. A lot of people get sprayed right before they go on vacation, and it’s a real issue if they can’t go swimming. The good news is: you can go swimming with a spray tan! The only suggestion we would give is to wait until at least 48 hours after your session, as well as to make sure to lather up on sunscreen beforehand. Not only is sunscreen a great thing to use because you can still get burned with a spray tan, but it also creates a barrier between your spray tan and the chlorine. Chlorine can bleach your spray tan, so the more protection (and moisturization, in general) you can give your skin, the better!
And there you have it! We hope this helps overcome any previous doubts you might have had about spray tanning, and we hope to see you in our studio soon! Happy tanning!
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