What Do You Wear for a Spray Tan?

Ok so you’ve booked your first spray tan (or maybe you haven’t yet), but there’s still one looming question: What do you wear during your spray tan session??
To be honest, this is a very easy question to answer, though we get asked it a lot. It’s really not complicated because it’s as simple as this: you can wear whatever you want.
You can go topless during your session
Many women choose to go topless during their spray tan session for the sheer convenience of what we all try to avoid when tanning: tan lines. Tan lines around your bra area can be a definite issue when you’re wearing certain outfits that might dip lower in the front or back, exposing your obvious lines. And it’s for this reason that topless is one of the most popular options for women when getting a spray tan.
You can wear a bathing suit (or undies!) during your spray tan
Another great clothing option worn by both men and women during a spray tan session is choosing to wear a swimsuit.
If you know you are going on vacation and will be practically living in one particular swimsuit, bring it in and we’ll spray you in it! And no worries about the solution getting on your suit, it will wash right off once you put it in the washer!
As a side note: wearing a bra and panties are also completely acceptable. A lot of women would rather get tanning solution on their undies versus their brand new swimsuit, so that’s another option we see a lot, which is totally fine! We also offer disposable strapless bras and panties if you did forget to bring your own and wanted to wear something to cover up.
You can go NUDE during your session… we don’t care!
The final option for what to wear during a spray tan is choosing to go completely nude. Now, we know this gives a lot of people anxiety. They might want to go to ‘no tan lines’ route but are scared about exposing themselves to a complete stranger, so we just want to tell you right now: We don’t care. We’ve seen it all, it’s a part of the business, and we truly don’t even think twice about it… so if you really want to go nude during your spray tan appointment, please don’t let your insecurities get in the way!
As far as tanning nude goes, we also want to mention that the FDA does recommend you take the following protective measures during your spray tan session. Those measures are: use of protective undergarments, using protective eyewear, using nose filters, sealing lips with lip balm. These measures are, again, protective and necessary for everyone to be aware of, however, you are, of course, able to make your own decisions thereafter.
And as for the Men…
Don’t worry fellas we didn’t forget about you! A lot of men that come to see us also struggle with the question of ‘what to wear during a spray tan?’ so we wanted to make sure to address your side of the question, as well.
Men can wear underwear, swim trunks, or take advantage of our complimentary disposable boxers that we have in our studio! Again, it’s really up to your personal preference.
The Bottom Line is: It’s Up to You!
At the end of the day, as a spray tanning business, our job is to make our clients feel as comfortable as possible. We want you to absolutely love the experience of getting a spray tan, not fear it or feel anxious about it. So whatever makes you feel the most at ease is what we want you to wear during your session! Happy Tanning!
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