Category: Uncategorized

What is a Rapid Spray Tan and Why Do I Need One? what is a rapid spray tan

What is a Rapid Spray Tan and Why Do I Need One?

So, you’ve heard all about these ‘rapid’ spray tans, but you’re not exactly sure what it is, how it works, or if you need one. Well, for starters, a rapid tanning solution is exactly what it sounds like… a spray tanning solution that develops rapidly! It’s formulated to simply develop faster on the skin versus […]

How Long Does a Spray Tan Last and How Do I Make It Last Longer?

How Long Does a Spray Tan Last and How Do I Make It Last Longer?

One of the most popular questions we get asked all the time is, “How long will my spray tan last?” The answer to this question is between 5-7 days… however, if you play your cards right you can make it last up to 10 days. Here’s a list of some of our favorite tips and […]

FAQ for Spray Tanning

FAQ for Spray Tanning

Summer is HERE your perfect summer glow needs to be too! If you’ve never gotten a spray tan before and have some questions, we are here to help! Below are a few of our frequently asked questions from clients that we get ALL of the time:   When is the best time to get a […]

What are ‘Parabens & Sulfates’ and Why are They Bad for my Spray Tan?

What are ‘Parabens & Sulfates’ and Why are They Bad for my Spray Tan?

Okay, so if you’ve ever gotten a spray tan before, you’ve surely heard all the buzz about ‘paraben-free’ and ‘sulfate-free’ … but what exactly do these buzz words mean? This is SUCH a good question that hardly ever gets answered. However, today you’re in luck because we are about to finally give you all the […]

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